Our Quality Control Processes
When it comes to glass toys we take a great deal of pride in our processes to ensure that not only you receive a piece that's pretty, but also safe and durable.
It all starts with art-grade borosilicate glass. We use Schott and Simax brands of borosilicate, as well as compatible colors and materials to ensure that each piece holds together.
When finishing these pieces, we work with precise annealing schedules to ensure that our pieces are stress free. For more information on annealing, this short video from the Corning Museum of Glass illustrates the importance of a proper annealing cycle.
When we pull each piece from the kiln we inspect it for scratches and any other issues that may present on the surface of the glass before checking each piece under a polariscope. This tool allows us to check for stresses that may endanger the integrity of our glass pieces.
More info here on polariscopes here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoelasticity

Above is an example of highly-stressed glass. This can cause points of weakness that make it much more prone to breaking. Stressed glass can break on its own, as well through subtle changes in temperature.

This is a piece from the kiln, stress-free! As long as they're properly stored with padding they'll stand through the trials of time.
We then finish each piece with a polish as needed before sterilizing them and wrapping them in bubble wrap with a label for storage. Once ordered, our boxes are sent out stuffed with packing peanuts to avoid any shaking and breaking on the journey to you! Each piece is discreetly packaged down to the labeling so that your privacy is respected through and through.
Back in 2016 we were featured in Dangerous Lilly's blog on glass sex toy safety. For a comprehensive look at glass toys and the safety of them this blog is worth a read!